Don’t Judge the Unhoused
This poem takes a look at the stories behind those who are unhoused.
This poem takes a look at the stories behind those who are unhoused.
Mi familia sufrió violencia doméstica y la inseguridad inmobiliaria nos mantuvo estancados. Ahora estoy luchando por soluciones para que todos tengan el hogar seguro que merecen.
My family suffered domestic violence and housing insecurity kept us stuck. Now I’m fighting for solutions so everyone has the safe home they deserve.
The hidden biases and discriminatory practices embedded in tenant screening algorithms create huge challenges faced by low-income renters seeking a place to call home.
They taught me about the complex issues that lead to the streets and one thing we could all do to help
The initiative and using American Rescue Plan funds for longer term housing solutions could provide critical relief to Florida renters
The coalition had a hardline: They would not compromise on labor or efficiency standards or on ensuring the new housing would serve those who needed it most.
Skyrocketing rents and discrimination against those with housing vouchers can make people feel powerless. But there’s organizing power in lived experience.
Grassroots organizers are collecting stories to combat landlords and realtors in a battle over rent spikes and eviction laws.
Want to talk inflation? Housing costs in America are insane, and the people hurt the most by it often go unheard.