With President Obama’s second term in full swing his former campaign organization has decided to take on immigration reform. Taking a page from the Keeping Families Together Campaign, The Obama For America organization has sent out a heartfelt plea to the immigrant community. Through the words of Jose Magana, a DREAMer, the OFA is looking to hear from immigrants directly. Their aim is to move the conversation forward in immigration reform by bringing immigrants into the conversation.
The Keeping Families Together campaign was launched this past December and does just that. The campaign has successfully captured hundreds of stories from immigrants and their families. Told through their own words these stories have the power to sway the national conversation.
The OFA should take a closer look at Nicole’s story, on Keeping Families Together. Nicole was left to raise her 3 year old daughter alone. It has been three years since her husband’s deportation and no resolve. Also there is the story of an American woman who moved her family back to her husband’s native country of Brazil in fear that their family would be torn apart.
It takes a lot of courage to come out of the shadows and share these stories, but in order to change our Nation’s dialogue on immigration it is essential.
Join the movement on Twitter by using the hashtag #FamilyUnity and follow @KeepFamilies for instant access to stories.