Oppression is a stealthy beast.
Marginalized persons, its preferred feast.
It swoops in without detection.
Focused on its targeted selection.
Oppression comes armed with schisms.
And spews forth flames of every ism,
Of race, age, sex, and ability,
Class, religion, heterosex, and country.
Oppression snarls unthoughtful words.
Claims that what was meant is not what you heard.
It’s ‘cause of how it was perceived.
But you know what message you just received.
Oppression warns, “Stay in your place.”
Or be pressed further down, ‘til you’re effaced.
The creature defends its hoard of power,
That no one else may scale the tower.
Oppression is not undying.
Don’t be silenced. Call it out. Keep trying.
It must be slayed to bring it down.
Then its targets helped to make a rebound.