You’ve probably had financial responsibility through your life since you’ve earned your first dollars. Paying for your home, budgeting your obligations, providing for your family… And sometimes there’s enough left over to enjoy life. But many times, those dollars seem to be out the door before they even make it to our wallets. Financial responsibility doesn’t always lead to equal access to our complex and discriminatory systems that help us reach the opportunities we need to survive. Each month can feel like walking a tight rope to keep from falling into financial ruin, and when we look ahead, the obstacles continue to appear.
Join Changewire Fellow Amina Jinadu as she shares her personal journey of unlearning and discovery, exposing the biases and burdens of the financial gymnastics we attempt to achieve our basic needs. From credit scores to student loans, Amina takes an honest look at the obstacles to financial freedom and explores the transformative power of guaranteed income.
Thank you to Akeiva Ellis, Yanely Espinal, and Shekina Washington for sharing their experience and expertise with us.