Did you know? Zines have a rich history in social and political movements.
Download this free zine you can print, cut and fold at home with beautiful portraits by artist and engineer Thomas Acampado (@sciencerulzok) who designed this concept of blue light illuminating the wonders of the everyday. Share a few copies with friends, family and neighbors to spread the word that every voice matters.
Acampado included interviews in his designs that we wanted to make sure to highlight here on ChangeWire.
My life comes in twos…
My name is Jordan Thomas Decena Acampado. I’m the artist bringing this zine to you.
Blue light bathes our world in a quiet brilliance, so common that we rarely stop to appreciate it. In that spirit, I want to show different ways people are supporting their communities. And these are often practices hidden in plain sight. Similarly to blue light, the everyday actions that people take to support their community whether it’s a kind word, a helping hand, or a simple act of care, often go unrecognized. Yet, these are the moments that truly make a community vibrant. This project is about finding the beauty in the ordinary, recognizing the contributions that make all the difference.
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { cout << “As an aerospace engineer, I work in the glow of blue light, \n” << “a constant reminder of how the everyday can subtly shape our world. \n\n” << “Just as the blue light from our screens quietly impacts our vision, \n” << “I strive to create change by speaking my mind, \n” << “even when it goes unnoticed. \n\n” << “In my role, I aim to be a quiet force, \n” << “like blue light, revealing the ‘bluetiful’ potential hidden \n” << “in our daily actions and thoughts. \n\n” << “Through persistence and subtle influence, \n” << “I believe these small, consistent efforts will drive \n” << “meaningful internal change, just as blue light \n” << “shapes how we see the world around us.” << endl; return 0; }
I like planes, I like engineering. I am an engineer and an artist and I support my community through these two sides of me. It’s a duality that most don’t see, so I’m presenting it to you. I’m bringing this zine to you using my logic and creativity.
About My Lola, Hilda Ozores: Voting
My Lola once told me that we’re all like stars in the sky.
Some of us shine so bright, and others flicker gently, but each one of us has a place, guiding our way in the dark. She would sit beside me on warm nights, under the open sky, and point out the constellations. “See how they form pictures together?” she’d say. “It’s the same with people, anak. We all have light to share, and when that light comes together, we make something beautiful.”
Even if you can’t vote, your presence still makes a difference. Like stars filling the night sky, your care, your efforts, and your voice connect to something larger. Whether it’s helping a neighbor, volunteering at a food bank, raising awareness about important issues, supporting those who can vote, or sharing knowledge with your community, you light the way for others. Blue light reminds us that not all change comes from the most visible places—it’s often the quiet, steady glow that helps guide us forward. Together, we all shine to make the sky whole.
Omar Marquez: Shining Light on Untold Stories
“My art revolves around telling the stories that aren’t really told in the media. I want to tell the small stories people don’t usually hear about us or educate those on what all is happening with the stories of people I find to be my ‘Everyday Heroes.'”
Voting isn’t just about checking a box; it’s about shining your light on the issues that matter to you. It’s like choosing what to focus on through the blue light of your screen—your interests, your community, your future. It’s a personal decision, but it has a collective impact. Just like blue light subtly guides our day, your vote quietly, but significantly, shapes our world.
Think of your vote as a photon of blue light—small, often taken for granted, but when combined with others, it creates something powerful. Your vote may seem like just a dot on the screen, but it lights the way forward for your community. Whether you’re scrolling through social media or sharing a conversation with a friend, each action counts. No matter how small it feels, your vote is a crucial piece of the bigger picture. Just like it takes countless photons to create the images on your screen, it takes all of us to create change. So, shine your light—vote, and let’s brighten our future together.
Aly Guerra: Change Through Existence
“I’m Aly Guerra, I’m a mechanical engineer at Medtronic and I work as a Manufacturing and Quality engineer in Boston. I am a Latina in STEM.”
“I think I don’t really do much actively anymore. I’ve made orgs, but at work they don’t really have that kind of environment. I guess I can make change just by being here. Like, I’m a Latina in STEM and engineering too—there aren’t many of us out there, so I guess I’m helping my community just by being here.”
Now it’s your turn! Tell us your stories! How do you take care of your community?
No matter how seemingly mundane. Everything you do plays a role in shaping the community we share. Just as blue light quietly illuminates our contributions, big or small, every part comes together to build something far greater. In the end, it’s what we can and do, day in and day out, that truly supports and strengthens our community.
Just like it takes countless photons to create images or clusters of stars to form a constellation … We know voters and those who raise their voices in other ways create community. And each small action adds to the vibrant picture of our world.