An interview with a Gwinnett County Public School parent and member of the Asian American Advocacy Fund, discussing her student’s specific needs as supported by school board run-off candidate Shana V. White in Georgia.
There are concerns among some parents in Gwinnett County, Georgia, about whether students are receiving an education that fully recognizes and respects diverse identities. Because of Gwinnett’s status as one of the most diverse counties in the United States, this topic has become central to its upcoming school board runoff elections.
In response, a community organization, the Asian American Advocacy Fund (AAAF), is promoting the theme of ”Greatness for Gwinnett Students” to advocate for culturally responsive curricula. AAAF is a non-profit group advocating for the civil and human rights of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders in Georgia.
Nicole, an AAAF member and mother of a current Gwinnett County elementary school student with a disability, has lived in Gwinnett County for seven years. The family enjoys exploring local playgrounds and parks. At home, they often spend time reading books and listening to music. Outside of home and school, Nicole’s young child receives therapy three times a week.

Last month, I spoke with the organization’s manager, Doha Medani, about the reasons AAAF endorsed school board run-off candidate Shana V. White. I then interviewed Nicole to gain additional insights on this endorsement—this time from a concerned parent’s perspective.
Q. Can you tell me a bit about your involvement in your child’s education in Gwinnett County?
A. I’m a full-time working mom. With my child’s disability, I need the balance of receiving support to care for my child and being with her at home. My child is a part of the special education classroom, and I am very invested in her education and well-being under the school’s care and guidance. I firmly believe that the quality of attention and care my child receives in the classroom depends on the resources, training, and support made available to her teachers and the school staff.
Q. How did you first hear about Shana V. White and her campaign for the school board?
A. I first heard about Shana V. White’s campaign for May’s primary elections this spring.
Q. What qualities do you believe make White the best candidate for the Gwinnett County school board?
A. With Shana’s 15 years working in K-12 education, instructing P.E., health, and computer science in numerous Gwinnett County Public Schools, there’s no one else who understands Gwinnett Schools better than her. Shana’s career focus has always been and continues to be centered in education and supporting students and educators.
Q. Can you provide specific examples of White’s past work or initiatives that you find particularly impressive or relevant to the school board position?
A. I’m particularly impressed by Shana’s proposed equity policy, where she advocates for additional resources for special education students and English language learners. My child is a part of the special education group, and we are dual-language speakers at home. These student groups are often overlooked in curriculums and with resources. Imagining better support for my child’s classroom reassures that she’ll have what she needs to succeed in her development.
Q. How do you think White’s platform addresses the current needs and challenges facing Gwinnett County schools?
A. Shana’s emphasis on providing teachers with support, resources, and training will help to achieve student success and safe and inclusive learning environments.
Q. In your view, what distinguishes Shana V. White from her opponents in this runoff election?
A. Shana walks the walk and talks the talk. It’s no question that Shana is the most qualified candidate, with real, expansive experience and deep understanding of the needs of Gwinnett schools, students, and families. She is unanimously supported by other education professionals and grassroots organizations. It’s clear that Shana is the people’s choice.
Q. What are some of the key issues or changes you hope to see if Shana V. White is elected to the school board?
A. I am especially excited about the enhanced curriculum where Gwinnett students can learn from accurate history from diverse perspectives. As an Asian American parent, I want my child to grow up with a curriculum that reflects and includes her identity.
Q. How important is it to you that the school board reflects the diversity of the Gwinnett County community, and how do you think Shana V. White contributes to this goal?
A. It is absolutely imperative that the school board reflects the diversity of Gwinnett County. Gwinnett County is one of the most diverse counties in the country. Shana has a vested and proven interest and commitment to Gwinnett County schools, and her fight for inclusive and diverse curriculum will foster a safer and kinder learning environment for all students.